Project Properties: Other Properties

To access this screen:

  • In the Loaded Data or Sheets control bars, double-click the top-level project icon. Select the Other Properties tab.

The Other Properties tab is one of three available tabs on the Project Properties screen, and displays miscellaneous information relating to the current project:

Units The unit of measurement used to define distances and locations in the current project. You can, if you wish, change the setting from metric (meters) to imperial (feet) using the drop down list available in this field.
Fit to Data Yes or No. Determines whether the 'bounding box' (the maximum extents of the data within the viewing area) is 'snapped' to the extreme locations of loaded data or whether the maximum viewable area extends beyond (or within) the data zone.
X/Y/Z From/To The furthermost points of loaded data in their relative axes. These values are read-only, and update dynamically based on loaded 3D data.
Mid Point The X/Y/Z mid point values represent the mid point of each axis. When combined, the full X/Y/Z reference relates to the absolute 3D mid point of the bounded data area. These values are read-only.
Project The current project's associated client, code, long title, name and/or short title are shown here. This data is derived from the project properties set using the Summary tab. These properties can also be edited here.
Span The length of the X, Y and Z axes that define the bounding box for the current session. Read-only.

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